Bibliographic entries by author: Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (21 in total).
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Aurelian i Eleonora, ili Gde Nabokov lovil svoikh babochek, no. 123, Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review), 1998, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Commentary to Nabokov’s Short Story “Lips to Lips”, v. 14, Nabokov Online Journal, 2020, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, If We Put Our Heads between Our Legs: An Introduction to the Theme 'Vladimir Nabokov and Arthur Schopenhauer', v. 11, Nabokov Studies, 2007/08, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Invitation to a Beheading. Commentary on a motif, v. 1, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Lehmann’s Disease: A Comment on Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Lolita the Butterfly. Nabokov's Private Aesthetics, v. 17, Nabokov Studies, 2020/21, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Luini’s Eye, v. 14, Nabokov Online Journal, 2020, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Nabokov’s Short Story “The Potato Elf”: The Motif of Bamboozle, v. 9, Nabokov Online Journal, 2015, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Nameless Existence, Intangible Substance: John the Baptist in Vladimir Nabokov, nos. 168-170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Po tu storonu pornografii i moralizma: tri opyta prochteniia "Lolity" V.V. Nabokova, 2021, Moscow: Izdatel'skiy Dom YASK, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Santa-Morgana: Commentary to V. Nabokov’s Play 'The Waltz Invention', v. 4, Nabokov Online Journal, 2010, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Starichok iz yevreyev (kommentariy k Priglasheniyu na kazn' Vladimira Nabokova), v. 43, no. 3, Russian Literature, 1998, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The Ghost in the Novel: André Chenier in Vladimir Nabokov, v. 78, no. 3, The Slavonic and East European Review, 2000, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The Juice of Three Oranges: An Exploration in Nabokov’s Language and World, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The path of the exploit (A commentary on Nabokov’s novel “Glory”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The poetics and ethology of Vladimir Nabokov, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The Police Department of My Soul: Aleksandr Blok in Invitation to a Beheading, no. 40, The Nabokovian, 1998, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, The Tongue, That Punchinello: A Commentary to Nabokov’s Pnin, v. 8, Nabokov Studies, 2004, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, V kraiu makhaonov (Nabokov i Blok), no. 211, Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review), 1998, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, V. V. Rozanov in Nabokov's “The Gift”: About the Reception of Pushkin in the Silver Age, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details
- Senderovich, Savely, and Elena Shvarts, Verbnaia shtuchka. Nabokov i populiarnaia kul'tura. Stat'ia pervaia, no. 24, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details